Find, Sell, Dropship.
Dropshipping is a great business model to quickly start selling products with less upfront capital. You find the right stuff to sell, then find the right customers to buy it, and we take care of the rest. Test out new products and prices without spending tons of cash on inventory.
No big-cost bulk buys.
No stacking boxes in your living room.
No rolls of sticky tape and shipping labels.
Dropshipping is totally digital and can be automated.
You build your online store and do the selling. We fulfill and ship the orders directly to your customers.
You buy at one price and sell it at another. The profit in between All yours.
Quick access to thousands of jewelry products and different styles to appeal to any demographic.
No inventory to stock, store, (and the worst part) keep track of.
Use our dropshipping app to automatic everything
Note:To use our automated dropshipping,make sure you use shopify to sell your products
Step 1: Apply a form to get a 1V1 Consultant ,APPLY
Step 2:Install alibaba dropship app in your shopify store HERE
Step 3: Add KRKC as supplier >HOW
Step 4: Import product to your store
Step 5: After you get sales your order will be synced to us and we will fullfill your order
To start selling you may either:
1.Download prodcut info manually and display in your own chanel(could be amazon,ebay,etsy,or shopify)
Image Downloader recommended>>google chrome extension
2.If you use shopify to sell your products,you can use our product csv into your shopify ,it is important that the sku of products remain unchanged in order to identify the spefic sku once you receive the order
Download krkc product csv for shopify >>download
To fullfill your order you may either :
1.To order manually ,login in your account and place an order on behalf of your customers
2.To use an order csv,you need to export order info from your chanel and contact us,we will handle the rest for you